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A few answers to what have you been up to

Exploring Creativity and Technology: My Journey in Computers, AI, and Design

  • I believe in

    • Innovation through observation
    • Design or Make to evoke emotion
    • Manifest strategy into reality
    • Make it resonate in the real world
    • Improve it

  • • Stanford D.School Coach of Design Thinking Process for innovation finding

    • Hasso Plattner Institute of Design Coach, Postdam German

    • Traveled Globally to teach companies how to infuse Design Thinking into their culture.

  • • Digital Artist  - Converted films to video games with compositing and 3D tools such as Commotion

    • I worked up at George Lucas's "house" refered to as "skywalker ranch" where ILM, skywalker sound and LucasFilm Games were located.

  • • Physics Designer & Staff Explainer

    • Designed over 800 hands on physics exhibits that were used to teach a wide range of physics subjects