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A few answers to what have you been up to

Exploring Creativity and Technology: My Journey in Computers, AI, and Design

  • I believe in

    • Innovation through observation
    • Design or Make to evoke emotion
    • Manifest strategy into reality
    • Make it resonate in the real world
    • Improve it

  • Professional Services creative direction for external client drive solution using custom GenAI based applications

    • Using AI overlayed with real estate to track the movement of Covid-19 and measuring it's impact the market

    • Development of the hallucination free GenAI LLM to check the accuracy GPT output and rank it

    • Development of custom UIs and use cases for AI, below measuring the voltage in-rush and using a perceptron to deduce a short or serge interstate high voltage systems

  • Global Head of Experience Design

    AI Platform design, Corporate Design Group, High end video production team, Co-Leading US Marketing

    Created the #WhyIMake campaign to boost CS adoption.  Shot many high-level figures and these spots are airing on national TV as PSA. 

    They have been viewed more than 300 Million times

  • Hired to build the Design Services Team a project initiated at IDEO.

    • Design Thinking global training facilitator

    • Strategic Chairman and C-Level projects execution

    • High end video production

    • Innovation assistance for global team projects - HANA

    • Creation of the AppHaus program (off-site innovation rapid iteration team)

    • Led to creation of first SAP Chief Creative Officer role

    • Create Mac SAP integration by using personal connections to Steve Jobs (SAP now runs on Mac)

    • Got the Beach Boys back together for a Hasso Plattner gift